Sunday, 12 June 2011

Correction - with apologies from Rob

John Morris has pointed out to me that I have made a serious administrative error.

At the Running Hare during the presentations, and in the report on the blog I wrongly gave the championship winners as Simon Edwards - it should have read Simon Roberts.

Congratulations Simon and my apologies to Simon. It was clearly my fault; John Morris gave me the results, neatly typed out. I just misread them. Sorry. (note to self - must do better!)

Posted by Rob

If your name is on the winners list and you were unable to collect your award I have them in a box in my office. I'll shift them to my car so I have a reasonable chance of seeing you you either at the club or at arace somnewhere. All I have to di is remember to hand them over, if not please remind me. Simon, I'll get the championship trophy engraved and let you know when it is done.


1 comment:

  1. No problem Rob - it's not the first time we've been mixed up! Hope to see you all at John's race on Tuesday.

    Simon R
