Monday, 10 February 2014

Buckley Triumphant

An excellent day at the the cross country! 

A great turnout by both ladies and men's team in abysmal conditions. Heavy rains in the in the past few weeks meant the course at Oswestry (as usual) was wet., Heavy rain on the day meant that the usually wet dips had become streams, the muddy patches had become small ponds. Then the rain and wind turned to sleet during the afternoon. It was tough, but worth it. Everyone who completed the course today deserved a medal! 

As this was the last race of the season we were compelled to sit in the cafe and drink tea and eat cakes and chat until the results were calculated. We are very good at that bit. Definitely get medals for it!

And the prize; category awards for John, Eddie, Dawn, Jez (x2) and Les (hope I haven't missed any). But the big one was the men's masters winning the team prize - our first team award in the cross-country league. 

Huge thanks to everybody who has turned up at the races throughout the season.


Sent by Rob Mackey (Chairman)
Buckley Runners
Road, Multi-terrain, Cross Country, Fell Running
Meeting at Buckley Sport Centre in North Wales
Meet 7.00 for 7.15 start on Tuesdays and Thursdays
You can follow us on Twitter @buckleyrunners or find us on Facebook