Just a reminder that tomorrow (Saturday 23rd) is the third round of the cross country season at Wrexham. Ladies and MV70 race starts at 2.00, senior men and vets starts at 2.45.
Hope we can get a really good turnout again this week and regain a little bit of lost ground after round 2. Its a good course at Wrexham, very different to the previous two races, flat, mown grass although parts of it can get a bit wet and slippery. Weather forecast is set fair.
Thanks to everybody who has paid subs - note to self - they are due in April!
Thanks also to the members who contacted me after my last blog, but just a reminder - if you are not receiving regular emails and would like to please email me on buckley.runners@gmail.com so I can add you to the list (Some address are out of date and some got lost in the transfer to the gmail account) - mail always goes out as BCC.
Forthcoming events
Good luck to everybody running one of the half marathons on Sunday.
Happy birthday to John Morris
Next Borders League is Sunday 15th December at Helsby (New course down by river near Runcorn)
Pub night December 3rd 8.30 in Running Hare
Sorry I won't be there - dress rehearsal for Panto - Aladdin in Northop Village Hall, Thursday 5th at 7.30, Friday 6th at 7.30 and Saturday 7th at 2.00 and 7.30. Tickets only £5.00 from me.
Sent by Rob Mackey (Chairman)
Road, Multi-terrain, Cross Country, Fell Running
Meeting at Buckley Sport Centre in North Wales
Meet 7.00 for 7.15 start on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Contact us on buckley.runners@gmail.com
Visit our blog on http://buckleyrunners. blogspot.co.uk/
You can follow us on Twitter @buckleyrunners or find us on Facebook