Friday, 22 November 2013

Update for November/Decemebr

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Saturday 23rd) is the third round of the cross country season at Wrexham. Ladies and MV70 race starts at 2.00, senior men and vets starts at 2.45. 

Hope we can get a really good turnout again this week and regain a little bit of lost ground after round 2. Its a good course at Wrexham, very different to the previous two races, flat, mown grass although parts of it can get a bit wet and slippery. Weather forecast is set fair.

Thanks to everybody who has paid subs - note to self - they are due in April!

Thanks also to the members who contacted me after my last blog, but just a reminder - if you are not receiving regular emails and would like to please email me on so I can add you to the list (Some address are out of date and some got lost in the transfer to the gmail account) - mail always goes out as BCC.

Forthcoming events

Good luck to everybody running one of the half marathons on Sunday.
Happy birthday to John Morris
Next Borders League is Sunday 15th December at Helsby (New course down by river near Runcorn)

Pub night December 3rd 8.30 in Running Hare 
Sorry I won't be there - dress rehearsal for Panto - Aladdin in Northop Village Hall, Thursday 5th at 7.30, Friday 6th at 7.30 and Saturday 7th at 2.00 and 7.30. Tickets only £5.00 from me. 

Sent by Rob Mackey (Chairman)
Buckley Runners
Road, Multi-terrain, Cross Country, Fell Running
Meeting at Buckley Sport Centre in North Wales
Meet 7.00 for 7.15 start on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Contact us on
You can follow us on Twitter @buckleyrunners or find us on Facebook

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Borders League Race 1 and Cross Country

What an excellent day! For the first Borders League race at Tattenhall we had 25 runners out - 5 ladies and 20 men. And we had two strong teams out too with some excellent performances. But it was tough going with a big, high-class field. But an excellent result in both ladies and men's race. Solid performance from the ladies and an excellent 10 finishers in 101 places for the men. Particularly important is that with such a strong team we had a lot of runners just outside the scoring places. Very important because they push the other teams back, giving them a higher score. 

Great to see Allen Smith enjoying his first race in the league, and Margaret back from injury. Provisional results are below.

Just a reminder that the next Cross country is next Saturday 23rd November. It is at Wrexham - not Northop. It has been changed because the North Wales Championship in January has been moved to Northop. 

1 Mat Rose 16th
2 Jez Brown 22nd
3 Simon Roberts 24th
4 Dave Gilbert 59th
5 Jeff Gifford 62nd
6 Eddie Davies 72nd
7 Paul Stinton 84th
8 Mike Jones 93rd
9 Dan Hollingsworth 97th
10 Mike Austin 101st (Last counter for senior men)
11 Les Coathup 104th
12 Steve Bellis 106th
13 Ian Bayliss 109th
14 Dave Boothroyd 125th
15 Pete Roberts 167th
16 Paul Donoghue 176th
17 Alan Smith 197th
18 John Morris 241st 
19 Jack Thomas 301st 
20 Rob Mackey 309th

1 Margaret Ludden
2 Dawn Urquhart
3 Lane Lindley
4 Fenn Higgins
5 Lisa Gittins

Sent by Rob Mackey (Chairman)
Buckley Runners
Road, Multi-terrain, Cross Country, Fell Running
Meeting at Buckley Sport Centre in North Wales
Meet 7.00 for 7.15 start on Tuesdays and Thursdays
You can follow us on Twitter @buckleyrunners or find us on Facebook

Thursday, 14 November 2013

club contact email addresses

Are you getting emails from the club?

I am aware that many people are not getting regular emails from the club. Email is the quickest way of making sure that messages get to club members, especially now that so many people can pick up their emails on their phones.

I have recently set up a bespoke email address for the club on a Google account. There has been a problem transposing some addresses from my email account to the gmail account, and some of the addresses we have are no longer current, and I simply don't have email addresses for other people.

If you are not receiving emails from the club for any reason, and wish to do so, please contact me on and I will add you to the list

Many thanks


Borders League and WA Registration

The Borders League is back. First race is at Tattenhall on Sunday 17th. Start is at 11.00.

The first race is always a good one, lots of excitement at the prospect of a new season, a chance to meet up with friends from the other clubs. And Tattenhall is an excellent venue and an excellent course.

We need a good turnout from both the men and the ladies to get our season off to a good start. Hope to see you there on Sunday.

Thanks to everybody who has now paid up their BR and WA (or other region) subs, there are very few who haven't now. Just a reminder that you must be paid up to run in either Borders League or Cross Country, or to enter a race as a "Buckley Runner"

Unfortunately this week we have again been notified by Welsh Athletics that people have entered Conwy Half as Buckley Runners who are not paid up or registered with WA. One was a lapsed member who has not paid for a couple of years. The other appears never to have been a member. WA have been informed that they are not members and they will not be allowed to run as such.

I find it extremely annoying that people are abusing the system and the club, just to save a couple of quid or to wrongly enter a championship event. It is not fair on all the genuine members and runners who join up properly (it is not exactly expensive!) or who pay the surcharge and do not enter the championship. And I fail to see why Paul Brooks and myself and Jack should have to spend out time dealing with is. PLease can spread the word thta this form of cheating will not be tolerated.

Many thanks

Sent by Rob Mackey (Chairman)
Buckley Runners
Road, Multi-terrain, Cross Country, Fell Running
Meeting at Buckley Sport Centre in North Wales
Meet 7.00 for 7.15 start on Tuesdays and Thursdays
You can follow us on Twitter @buckleyrunners or find us on Facebook

Monday, 4 November 2013

Clwydian hills race

Fantastic performances from Buckley throughout. Well done all!
2. Jez Brown
6. Simon Edwards
46. Paul Stinton
48. Huw Lewis
51. Dave Boothroyd
60. Peter Roberts
64. John Morris

Abergele 5

As ever, a well organised race over a challenging 5 mile course with some sharp hills. The North Wales championships are incorporated into the race. Smaller numbers than usual from Buckley this year.

6. Simon Roberts, 28.58
22. David Gilbert, 30.44
29. Jeff Gifford, 31.36
72. Dawn Urquhart, 36.24
121. Lisa Gittins, 40.23
140. Jack Thomas, 42.46