Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Rab Mountain Marathon, Eastern Lakes

The best event of the year (in my view!) was a real belter this year, covering some terrific mountain terrain in the Eastern Lake District around Haweswater: 6 hours to get as many points as possible on day 1, 5 hours on day 2. As with all score class mountain marathons, checkpoints were spread across the range - 5 pts for the easiest and most accessible ones, ranging up to 40 for the ludicrously placed ones (on top of mountains or at the bottom of inaccessible cwms etc). You decide your own route. Good weather throughout, although a very cold night at the overnight camp in Martindale was rather uncomfortable (to say the least) for those of us taking the 'ultra lightweight' approach! Chris and Fen really stepped up and found their mountain marathon feet this weekend, with an excellent result - and they managed to stay warm overnight. Huw and partner suffered from this event's very harsh lateness penalties, losing all their points on day 1 even though they were only just over the time limit. Simon R found himself 3rd vet after day 1, so went for big points on the highest peaks and remotest cwms on day two, including a desperate finish pelting down the shore of Haweswater with 3 minutes to spare, only to finish 4th by 3 points! Overall positions and scores (teams and solos are mixed in this event).
10th. Simon R (405 pts)
143rd. Chris and Fen (240 pts)
229th. Huw and partner (but would have been far higher without penalty!)


  1. High on a hill and all that.
    Brilliant report Si, thanks for the kind comments still shocked to hear 'all right Chris' at the top of Beda Head, words of advice, don't wear brand new shoes to race in, Compeed is brilliant but tastes horrible
    Fen and I had a really good start, turning left out of our drive after a bit of debate then taking the M6 route, most direct but least challenging.Ate most of the jelly babies just outside Warrington.
    Joking apart, I which I were,fantastic week.
    For people reading this it's worth spending a few minutes Googling those who came in the upper echolons to appreciate the stanard in these events and marvel at the achievements of particular club members who remain ever selve effacing.
    All in all a brilliant thing to be involved in, not withstanding the chocolate tiffin cake!!
    Take care, brilliant run Si.

  2. Sorry I missed you both when I left. Couldn't work out whether you'd already gone or whether traveling in a van is such an exciting novelty for me that I forget to look around...

  3. No, I had to stay for the prize giving as I kept telling everybody I had won. Fen said I looked realy convincing when I volunteerd first elite prize to Birkinshaw!
    Take care.
